SMARTDRV [/X] [[drive[+|-]]...] [/U] [/C | /R] [/F | /N] [/L] [/V | /Q | /S] [InitCacheSize [WinCacheSize]] [/E:ElementSize] [/B:BufferSize] /X Disables write-behind caching for all drives. drive Sets caching options on specific drive(s). The specified drive(s) will have write-caching disabled unless you add +. + Enables write-behind caching for the specified drive. - Disables all caching for the specified drive. /U Do not load CD-ROM caching module. /C Writes all information currently in write-cache to hard disk. /R Clears the cache and restarts SMARTDrive. /F Writes cached data before command prompt returns (default). /N Doesn't write cached data before command prompt returns. /L Prevents SMARTDrive from loading itself into upper memory. /V Displays SMARTDrive status messages when loading. /Q Does not display status information. /S Displays additional information about SMARTDrive's status. InitCacheSize Specifies XMS memory (KB) for the cache. WinCacheSize Specifies XMS memory (KB) for the cache with Windows. /E:ElementSize Specifies how many bytes of information to move at one time. /B:BufferSize Specifies the size of the read-ahead buffer.